• Add Cv

    Welcome! We are thrilled that you’re taking the first step toward landing your dream job in Germany. A résumé is more than just a list of your professional experiences—it’s a window into your talents, your passions, and the undiscovered opportunities that lie ahead for you.

    Your résumé is your first impression with your future employer, so we encourage you to fill out this section carefully and precisely. Every detail could be the key to your next career challenge. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and this step could be the catalyst for your professional success story in Germany.

    So take a deep breath, leave your reservations behind, and begin with confidence. We’re here to support you every step of the way!

  • Job Specialty

  • Specify the industry or field you work in or wish to work in (e.g., IT, Healthcare, Sales).
  • Select the type of employment you are looking for (Full-time, Part-time, Remote).
  • Contact Information

    Please provide your complete personal contact details.
  • Application Photo

    Upload a professional photo of yourself in JPG or PNG format. Please adhere to any application photo guidelines if applicable.
  • Accepted file types: png, jpg.
  • Work Experience

    Add your work experience. Detail the positions you've held along with your primary tasks and responsibilities.
  • Company Position or Role Main Tasks and Responsibilities Start Date End Date  
    There are no Entries.

    Maximum number of entries reached.

  • Education

    Provide details of your academic and vocational training.
  • Educational Institution Degree Field of Study or Major Start Date End Date  
    There are no Entries.

    Maximum number of entries reached.

  • Certificates and Further Education

    List any certificates and further training you've obtained in addition to your primary education.
  • Name of the Certification or Further Education Issuing Institution  
    There are no Entries.

    Maximum number of entries reached.

  • Languages

    List the languages you can speak, along with your proficiency level for each.
  • Proficiency Level  
    There are no Entries.

    Maximum number of entries reached.

  • Skills

    List any specialized skills or knowledge you've acquired during your career.
  • Skill  
    There are no Entries.

    Maximum number of entries reached.

  • Any additional information or remarks you'd like to add that are not covered in the fields above. For example, special projects you are proud of or specific career goals.
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